Friday, September 28, 2012


I forgot to tell you that Bassam was discharged from the hospital!!!!!! He did it!!!! We saw him and he smiled and said he wanted to go home and see his kids... We were so happy for him!!!! He arrived by the end of July and will fly only at the end of the next week after two more appointments  with some doctors... (BTW, he had to wait so long because he arrived during the summer holiday season, so there were many people on vacation).
Last night I turned on the TV and watched in astonishment Netanyahu's speech at the UN.  I was shocked! I have talked to many Iranians (mainly taxi drivers) that had to leave their country for the terrible political situation... One of them said "the entire World is beautiful... It's men who turn it into a bad place to live in".  How true...
Today I had the last blood test. The one from Wednesday already showed a drop in leukocytes (as expected) so I have to avoid crowds, eat only cooked food and keep our place clean. We went downtown for a while and came back early to do some house chores.  We lit the candles for Shabat (thank you Katia for such a delicate detail).   
Well, I'm ready, eager to start everything next week.  Bassam already crossed this bridge, and so will I.
Shabat shalom...
 This is somewhere in the hospital
 The typical Heidelberg chocolate kiss!!
 A place reserved for Forrest Gump :o)
A kindergarten outing... What a good idea!


  1. Mi niña, se me ha hecho eterno ester mes esperando el ansiado día y ahora estamos ad portas:-). Estoy tan feliz por Bassam que, como tu dices, ya cruzó el puente. Tu serás la próxima y no falta nada.
    Cuídate mucho y sigue las instrucciones al pie de la letra, OK?
    Que lindas las fotos que enviaste.
    Besitos, mi vida y que pasen un lindo Shabat
    Te amo.

  2. Great to see your picture and share this journey with you. I hope you are seeing my comments as I am a novice with this. I click on publish to send it. I hope that is correct.... love you too
