Sunday, September 9, 2012

Lots of gifts

Simone and Frank came all the way from Eisenach again and brought us many groceries!!! There were chocolates, cheese, hams, fruits and vegetables, teas, cookies, napkins, toothpastes and toothbrushes, wine, breads.. and even a flowerpot.   

Then they took us to a big supermarket and. we had the chance to buy some things that we still needed.  Those expensive chocolates and cookies they sell in Chile are so cheap here.  
Well, back in the apartment, we ate the delicious herring that oma Gisella specially made for us with potatoes.  She also made us some apfelsrudel :o)
I was so tired yesterday so we didn't do a lot, but we were surrounded by good vibes and cuddles.


  1. Que rico es que a una la regaloneen tanto:-)).Besitos, vida mía.

  2. Qué rica comida y qué bonito florerito.

  3. Hola Karina,

    Te deseo todo lo mejor... que tengas una exitosa operacion y que el proximo anno sea lo mejor

    Shana Tova!
