Friday, October 5, 2012

Change of Plans

We were going to have the appointment with the doctor on October 16th, but after insisting a lot, we got the appointment for the 12th.  Dr. Hillengass will  explain to us the whole procedure and I guess the transplantation will take place during the week after.  I'm sorry, but we will have to postpone going back to Chile.  I guess we will only know the exact date on the 12th after asking the doctor all the details. I miss my kids so much... but as I mentioned before: "man proposes and God disposes"...

We found this in the 6th floor of the guesthouse we are staying at...
Yesterday it rained a lot, so we stayed home, then we went to the supermarket and we bought the train tickets because we will go to Eisenach to visit Simone and Frank this weekend...This is the view from the apartment "between" rains.

We are going to take Pepa and Wim's word and since we have free days next week, we will visit them in Belgium.

It would have been fantastic to take the October 28th plane... but it's not going to be like that :o( We are here and we are almost through... 


  1. Ays, mi niña, y se puede saber por qué tanta postergación? Me imagino cómo estarán de ansiosas (igual que nosotros acá).
    Me parece súper buena idea hacer esos dos paseos, así recargan más aún las pilas.
    Abríguense, cuídense mucho.
    Besitos y abrazos lleeeenos de amor!!

    Gut Shabes

  2. Mi linda Karina!!
    Estamos felices de vuestra visita a nuestra casita como la de Hansel and Grettel!
    pero vamos a pasar unos dias maravillosos seguramente asi sera!!
    Me avisan a que hora saldran de Frankfurt veele danke!!
    Besitos a mis lindas Karina Y Nachita!!
    We LOVE you both!!
    Shabat Shalom!!

  3. Primero Dios el tiempo pasará rápido y estarás muy pronto con Nicki y Gabi. Te mando un fuerte abrazo.
