Friday, October 5, 2012

A Pause in the Journey

I want to tell you that the transplant intends to stop the progression of the disease. It is unrealistic to think that I will recover from all the symptoms.  Stopping MS is urgent as it progresses as we speak. After recovering from the harsh chemo, which will be some months later, they say some symptoms can reverse depending on the damage done on the myelin sheath. I don't want to have any expectations about  it, because it will be very disappointing if they don't come true.  
This forced halt turns the agony of the long wait into a bittersweet part of the journey.  From one side I really enjoy being in new places, but from the other, I would love to be home with my kids... 

As you know, we will be visiting Eisenach and Antwerp in Belgium so I decided to put a pause to healingreen until next Friday. 
See you then...


  1. Mi niña, no tengo dudas que van a pasar unos hermosos días en tan buena compañía.
    Un abrazo grande y bon voyage!!
    Un abrazo para las dos!

  2. Manita, No dejes de ir a Brujas y pasearte por el parque de los enamorados... Mira cómo la vida te esta obligando a conocer algo de Europa (lo que pensaste que ya no harias)... Ojala te lo vivas como un GRAN regalo. Tus bebitos estan super bien. Descansa, disfruta y saca muchas fotitos. Y comprame un chocolate belga que alla son baratisimos. Brujas es maravilloso!!

  3. Un abrazo gigantesco... estamos todos haciendo tefilot por ti...

    Que Hashem te bendiga!

    Que salga todo bien!

  4. Bendiciones en tu viaje, ¡disfrutalo mucho !
