Thursday, October 4, 2012


Yesterday the German Unity Day was celebrated.  It reminds the anniversary of the German reunification that took place in 1990.  It was a public holiday.
I stayed home and watched the movie "The Dictator" (gracias Matheuss!).  I needed to laugh a lot and so I did :o) 
Today I called the hospital and asked to please do the transplantation as soon as possible.  They said they will call us back tomorrow.
We'll keep our fingers crossed.
I found this photo in the Internet.
Take care!


  1. Uffff, qué desesperante, esta gente tiene todo el tiempo del mundo :-(
    Paciencia nomás, mi niña, entretanto mira películas divertidas, hacen bien para el alma.
    Te amo

  2. Karina... MUCHA FUERZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Cruzando los dedos para que todo se haga a la brevedad posible...
    Cariños de chilito...

  3. Estoy segura que todo saldrá bien¡ podrías ver una pelicula de Mr Bean :DDD
    un abrazo gigante

  4. Hola Karina, ánimo y paciencia querida, un beso grande,
