Monday, November 26, 2012

1st Week Update

I feel so happy at home... 
My daughter left two days after I arrived and went to her school trip to Poland and Israel for a month. She claimed that if she hadn't seen me, she wouldn't have gone to the trip.  Luckily we had the chance to see each other... My son is here next to me and he keeps asking if I  already got better from MS, but he realizes I don't or, at least, not yet. 
I have been sleeping really bad: maximum 4-5 hours and not even continuous. As I was told, spasticity has worsened, but they say it lasts about 3 months.  
I already visited my onco hematologist who asked me to have some blood tests.  He said that if I had 38°C fever, then I should go immediately to the ER, because there's the risk of catching opportunistic infections. 
Today I was with my neurologist and it was so good to see him!!! Imagine the bond created after 16 years... I'm so lucky for having been supported by him in the transplant... I know many people around the world who don't count with their doctor's support. The exantema still itches a lot, and he said it might be the penicillin that I had to take until today. I told him I've never been allergic to anything and he said that was before but now I'm different. He said I may get better by Thursday and if I still have itchiness next Monday then I should have another blood test.  Let's hope it's that, because I'm really suffering... He told me I should be patient, because things are going to be very slow now, but he was happy I already went through the most difficult part. 
The physiotherapist came to my house and measured my muscles.  I definitely lost muscle mass in my right side while being at the hospital for a month.  He gave me a list of exercises that I should do Tuesdays and Thursdays, because he will come home Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  He also asked me to press a stress ball all day long and play with PlayDough...
I'm tired, because I don't sleep, because of my itchiness, because of the chemotherapy that will take months before it leaves my body...
My son just told me: "Mom, don't leave me again.  You can only leave the country if its with me"... And I promised him it'll be that way.  It feels great to be here...


  1. Que lindo!!!!, ya verás que pronto te vas a sentir mejor!!!!, un abrazo

  2. Para mi también es maravilloso tenerte acá con nosotros, poder atenderte y mimarte, es lo máximo:-).
    Te amo!

  3. Qué bueno que ya estés en tu hogar disfrutando de los tuyos, espero que cada día que pase sea de progresión para tu cuerpo, verás que pronto terminará este calvario, mientras seguiré pidiendo por tí. Recibe un fuerte abrazo. Sandra

  4. Karinita hermosa!!
    Me imagino que debes estar feliz de estar en tu casa, junto a tu hijito precioso, y todos tus seres queridos que te rodean..
    Me da mucha alegria que Nicolle haya participado en el viaje veras cuan cambianda va a volver de esa experiencia.
    Mi linda todo por lo que estas pasando de a poquito se ira tu cuerpo acostumbrando y D-os mediante volveras a la normalidad en todo sentido..
    Te queremos y deseamos una pronta mejoria..
    Wim y Pepa
    Enviandote nuestras buenas energias con todo el corazon!!

  5. Hi Karina, I am really sorry that you are having hard time now, but soon everything will be OK. Looks like you are doing the same exercises like Matthew - with Play Doh and stress ball. Matthew is enjoying this but not the massages itself - they are called Vojta, I think is the same like Acupressure. When she push certain point on his body he is complaining of pain somewhere else. For example, she pushed inder his right ribs, and he felt pain in the left shoulder. With the previous physioterapist in Bulgaria he was enjoing the massages, as they was relaxing. Gabri is so sweet and reminds me Elizabeth, when my mom brought her in Heidelberg. She was waiking up in the night for 3-4 days making sure that I am next to her, she was hugging me strong and asking me to promise we will never separate again.
    We all miss you a lot, especially in a day like today. I became an aunt for first time in my life. My brother have a baby girl and we wanted so badly to invite someone in the appartment for dinner to share our hapiness and to celebrate :)
    Wish you fast recovery and to restore your sleeping as soon as possible, as having a good night rest is very important. Sending you a lot of hugs and possitive energy.
