The flight from Frankfurt to Paris was very short. I wore a mask and we were taken in a kind of special shuttle with the wheelchair to station x where we met someone else who took us with another wheelchair up and down some elevators and all the way to other station and then we waited almost an hour for another shuttle............ The French airport was a total mess. We were taken to where we needed to go maybe two hours after we arrived. When we finally took the plane to Chile, it was wonderful... The flight was very long, but I managed to sleep five hours, while Nachita helped me with everything as usual. It was a very long fourteen hour flight where we felt how each second passed by VERY SLOWLY.
When we arrived, we were told we had to wait until all the passengers got off the plane, because people in wheelchairs had to be the last ones...
We couldn't believe we were in Chile... It was a dream come true. A lady took me in the wheelchair and we were so emotional for listening to the Chilean accent...
Anyway, we were taken down the aisle to customs and when we just turned out of the plane there was my mom, Nicole and Gabriel!!!!!!!!!! It was so impressing!!!!! We hugged each other and bursted out crying!!!!!!!!!!! They were accompanied by some detectives and managed to get almost in the plane!!!!!! (this is not done in Chile). I saw Gabriel and I told him how big he was while he replied that he ate everything :o) He also gave me back a small penguin toy that I specially bought for him (he thought it was mine and that it was very attached to me). I had asked him to take very good care of Bobby (that's his name)... Well, he gave it back to me and said he had taken very good care... Awwwwwwwwwwwwww...
Then they had to go out and we proceeded to customs. Nachita picked up our bagagge and when we went out.... I was met by my two sisters who kneeled down to the wheelchairs's level and cried so much (mee too) while saying that they loved me so much...... Greeting Nachita's sisters (Gabriel's half sisters) was also very emotional and giving a big hug to her mom and dad too...... There was also Kevin (Frank and Simone's son) and Juanito (my sister Ilona's boyfriend plus my beautiful nephew Florencia..............
And there it was....... having to say goodbye to Nachita. OMG... I felt too many strong emotions in a short time...
I must say that there's, absolutely, no place like home. It is wonderful to be here..... I had to share this with you, my friends.
I hope you're doing fine and that everything's alright with you.
A new stage of this treatment begins, but it'll be close to my loved ones, at home, in my language...... Oh, how good that feels...
Karina, Bien llegada a tu tierra querida y en especial a tus seres queridos, suerte en esta nueva fase del tratamiento. Continuamos aguardando noticias buenas.
ReplyDeleteKarinita Que emotivo todo lo que has contado cuando llegaste a Santiago..
ReplyDeleteTodos los que te esperaban estaban ansiosos ya de tenerte con ellos! y si...ahora tuvisite que despedirte de la queridoa Nachita...
Pero te aseguro que tu recuperacion sera mucho mejor en tu hogar dulce hogar..junto a todos tus seres que te aman y tu amas..es la mejor terapia
Deseo que todo siga su curso normal....con tus cuidados correspondientes,
Te queremos mucho y deseamos toso lo mejor
Wim y Pepa!!
Besitos a tus hijos y un fuerte abrazo a Nachita de nuestra parte!!!
Amiga querida jamás tuve dudas de que lo lograrías siempre te digo que "tú mayor virtud es la fortaleza". Ahora será mas fácil junto a la familia.
ReplyDeleteFelicidades¡¡ para Nachita también una maravillosa persona que le dió tremendo ejemplo a su pequeño hermanito.
Un abrazo gigante a las dos
How sweet Karina! You really went through a lot, but I am sure it deserved and you will collect the fruit of these 3 months of sacrifices in the future. Wish you luck and all the best, as you really deserve :) Kisses and hugs from our Bulgaro-Mexican family :)
ReplyDeleteQue bueno que estas de vuelta en casa. Que te sigues mejorando rápidamente. Te queremos mucho.... tus tíos y primos de California....
ReplyDeleteHello Mrs Grunwald,
ReplyDeletegood to hear and see you reached home safely. I wish you all the best and a quick recovery.
Greet my physio collegue and tell him to be strict on you in walking ;)
EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE and pliz post some infos bout your progress...
many greetings
Please write me an e-mail!!!!
I loved your comment!
Dear Karinita, Welcome home!! We can imagine the emotion and excitement... From now on - there will be only peaceful and pleasant developments onto your total recovery from the transplant AND from the illness that made you undergo that treatment. We feel certain that your formidable investment will pay off! Please extend our fondest regards and blessings to your mother and to the extended family. And specifically for you - our best loving good wishes. Nina and Moishe.