Sunday, May 26, 2013

7 Months

This has been a very special month :o)  
I have been feeling much better, and  I sometimes realize that things that were difficult to do... I just did them! Some people tell me I look like before going to Germany.  
In a progressive, disabling disease, each reversal is miraculous! When I arrived I used a wheelchair, then a walker and now I've been able to use the cane! I walked barefoot in my appartment without holding onto anything (with tears in my eyes!) and I went walking on the elevator hallway with the AFO only holding sometimes to the wall :) 
I still have to avoid crowds because the hemato-oncologist said my immune system is still the one of someone with Aids, but I feel very optimistic.  One of my goals was to be able to attend to my daughter's school graduation ceremony on December using the cane and now I know I will! 
I asked my physiotherapist a report and this is it:
Much less fatigued.  Higher tolerance to 45 minute exercises
Right side of the body (the affected):
Diminishing spasticity (only some at ankle articulation level)
Fluctuating foot ankle articulation clonus that disappears with exercises.
Lower extremity:
She achieves triple flexion and is improving strength, active mobility and increasing repetitions
Upper extremity:
She achieves shoulder and elbow flexion with more tolerance to the exercise and increase in repetitions.
Hand: achieves fist with diminishing spasticity
Gait: Dynamic balance present with larger support base
Achieves walking without any technical support and fewer compensation of trunk, head and neck.

My recovery is also dedicated to someone very dear that passed away.  She must be very busy now arranging everything for her kids and her closed ones, but I know she is also very proud of me in heaven…


  1. You made my night! I'm so glad you are getting and feeling better! Only brachot for you!
    Laila tov :-)

  2. Mi querida amiga, felicidades por cada uno de tus logros, se que no te dejas vencer fácilmente,
    un gran abrazo para ti.

  3. Karinita, my love, You are the kind of person who does not hesitate to spread happiness around you...and this is what we felt upon reading your account on your achievements. You make us believe that prayers DO help! If so - we shall continue with this special mode of "therapy". Keep looking ahead (this is indeed what you demonstrate to be so good at) and keep sharing with us the emotions that arise in your beautiful personality as you experience progress. We are with you at every moment. With a loving BIG hug, Nina & Moshe

  4. Karinita, qué gusto me da toda tu recuperación, como decimos en México "Dios aprieta pero no ahorca", así que adelante adelante, te mando muchos abrazos y mis mejores deseos siempre. Un abrazo. Sandra

  5. Mi hijita hermosa, si me emociona leerte imaginate cuánto y cómo me emociona verte. Soy la testigo más cercana de tu maravillosa evolución. Eres un tremendo ejemplo de lucha y espíritu de superación y yo junto con admirarte profundamente siento un tremendo orgullo de ser tu mamy. Vamos juntas por este camino que cada día veo más despejado.
    Te amo con toda el alma.

  6. Hello dear mrs. grünwald,
    am very happy &proud to read about all your emprovements...its so good to hear you are doing good....keep on excercising :)
    greetings from germany

  7. en el dia mundial de la lucha contr la SM, mis cariños desde Argentina. Alda

  8. Qué alegría más grande al leer lo mucho que has avanzado. Ya lo sabía por experiencia propia que sería así, pero no deja de emocionarme, Karina, y créeme si te digo que me alegra infinitamente.
    Un fuerte abrazo,

  9. ¡Qué alegría me da saber que te sientes mucho mejor y que ya puedes hacer más cosas! ¡Qué gusto, Karina! Eres un ejemplo de perseverancia. ¿Sabes? Yo no creo que Dios te haya mandado esta enfermedad, pero creo que está contigo. Que te siga fortaleciendo y llenando de esperanza. Me encanta que nunca pierdes tu sentido del humor. Ya quiero ver tu cabellera china : ) Con cariño, Perla.

  10. This post has made me very happy knowing what you went through and the faith you had in strangers on the other side of the world. No one deserves this more than you karina

