Monday, September 3, 2012

Free Sunday

We had many plans for yesterday, but we finally stayed "home".  I really didn't want to go out.  I was homesick and missed my kids so much (as I do everyday). 
Nachita managed somehow and persuaded me to go to the Botanical Garden which is just around the corner.  It was so beautiful, quiet and peaceful.  It was a good thing to do.
At least we took some pictures.

I also had the chance to Skype with George Goss (US) who along with Carmel Turner (AUS) are the most expert people with MS in the World about Stem Cell Transplants.  I wouldn't have even thought about being here if it weren't for them. They are certified doctors without the title.
George told me what to do, who to contact to, what to say, what to expect...  He calmed me down.  Thanks George!!!!

George's Blog:


  1. Mi niñita hermosa, me alegra que hayas ido al Jardín Botánico y que lo hayas disfrutado. Sales hermosa en la foto (eres hermosa).
    Tu mamy que te adora.

  2. Karinita, acabo de llegar y revise todos los días en tu blog... Y no sabes como me emocione!! Te admiro tanto como no sabes... Gracias por compartir tu experiencia con nosotros, y así podernos tener al tanto de lo que a pasando... Mandale un beso a la Nacha!! Te adoro mi hermanita!
