Monday, September 23, 2013

Almost 11 Months

The reason why I haven’t posted anything since May is because I haven’t experienced any benefit either.  This has been the most difficult year of my life.  I know that there are people in a much worst condition than me, but I can’t help it: I miss so much myself from not-so-long ago.  I wish someone knew what determines or what avoids the progression and feeling fatigued, besides what we all know: sleeping well, good nutrition, exercise, rest, avoiding stress and heat… Until May I went one step forward and two steps back, but suddenly everything “seemed” strange.  My physiotherapist swears that besides some days in which I was extremely fatigued, my disease has not progressed. I had tonsillitis, and became voiceless.  I experienced extreme dizziness. I couldn’t even stand up some days and they run the cranial nerve VIII test. It turned out I did have some deficiency (??)  I still don’t know why the dizziness comes back some days, but there are stable days too.  In order to eliminate any possible “something” in the brain, I had an MRI that showed even smaller scars than on March's, which according to my neurologist could translate in eventually some improvement.  He will attend Ectrims 2013 next month in Copenhagen.  Hopefully there will be anything new…

Happy springtime southern hemisphere and happy autumn northern one.

Take care