Tuesday, August 21, 2012


 “He, who saves a single life, saves the entire world” (The Talmud)

I’m proud to announce that thanks to the Jewish Community of Chile, I have the privilege to undergo a stem cell transplant for Multiple Sclerosis in Germany on the next days. 
I will be there two months so you, my friends, can check my status in the blog I specially started in order to keep you updated.  I will write it in English as many friends don’t speak Spanish.
Please don’t ask anything.  All I can tell is that I’m optimistic and I pray this can stop somehow the progression of my disease, which has been making my life more difficult every day.


  1. Ánimo, Karinita, te seguiré a diario y estaré al pendiente de tí. Con cariño. Sandra

  2. Lindo proyecto... Un viaje en búsqueda de la vida.
